Planet Blupi is a stragtegie and adventure game for PC compatibles.
It subtly blends action with thought-provoking challenges. Behind
the quiet and gentle facade, you'll enjoy a fascinating diversion
full of surprises. Planet Blupi is ideal for ages 12 to 99.
Requirements :
· PC withWindows Vista/XP/2000/ME/98/95
· Pentium 90 with 16 Mbytes RAM
· CD-Rom |
Scenario |
leads a quiet life on his planet until a strange meteorite crashes
in a desert area.
much later does Blupi realise that his crops are being destroyed
by huge spiders. Though he's always been a tough and healthy type,
a weird virus has been causing him to sneeze and cough a lot lately.
What·s going on ?
fact, the meteorite is a spaceship. The only passsenger on board
is a mean-looking robot. Its· goal is to build factories that produce
a variety of aliens. Help Blupi use the resources of his beautiful
planet to chase these invaders away !
game |
are some 30 missions to figure out, ranging from really easy to
completely mind-boggling.
goals of the missions are varied : to grow food, to find a strategic
point, to eradicate aliens, etc... You may need just one Blupi to
accomplish the missions, or dozens !
Help Blupi to explore
· Cut trees to produce boards and planks
· Transport various materials
· Build houses
· Grow tomatoes
· Pick flowers
· Survey the ground
· Extract iron ore
· Devis traps
· Throw bridges
· Cure friends
cool interface |
Blupi·s interface is designed to remain as discreet as possible,
so you can have fun and concentrate on the game. There·s no need
for long strokes across the screen with the mouse. You don·t waste
time choosing buttons and artifacts from a large display somewhere
out of reach.
small zone on the left gives general information about the mission
in progress. When you want Blupi to do a specific action, just click
on the right spot in the scenery. A palette of actions available
pops up, and you can make your choice. Actions are smooth and quick.
limited series of optional exercises can be used to learn how to
play the game.
large selection of decors |
planet has 4 distinct areas :
Open prairie
· Deep woods
· Desert
· Snowy landscape
mission is carried out in a vast area of 40'000 cells (200x200 square
full version will even allow you to draw the scenery, set the goals
and create your own missions.