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With CeeBot-Hemisson you can program a real external robot, the Hemisson robot developed by K–Team, in order to learn or teach programming and robotics. As a special offer for a limited time span, the Hemisson robot is sold with CeeBot-Hemisson at the same price than the Hemisson standard pack. A hardware robot allows you to experience new topics which are not available with simulated robots.
The Hemisson

The Hemisson is an affordable mobile robot which has been especially developed for the needs of education. It is moved by two DC motors and is equiped in its basic version with 8 combined IR light and distance sensors. It communicates with the computer which runs CeeBot-Hemisson through a serial RS-232 interface.


CeeBot-Hemisson features more than 30 exercises, which introduce progressiverly the different basic robotics concepts and the programming concepts necessary to implement them.

Controlling the motors

All the basic robotics principles are explained with schemes and diagrams. The relation between the speed of the motors and the robot's moves are explained in the very first chapters.

The sensors

Graphs will help you to understand the characteristics of the sensors. When the tasks become too easy with stable light sources, you will use variating light sources (powered by 50 or 60 Hz AC), which requires smoothing techniques in order to get precise results with noisy measures.


Your new skills in controlling the motors and reading the captors will then be applied in more and more complex algorithms. Following a wall for example requires a proportional-derivative control loop, in order to avoid oscillations.