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The PRILA research project

The CeeBot programs are not only destined to help teachers to teach programming, they are also embedded in the PRILA research project. The goal of the PRILA project is to investigate private learning activities in foreign languages and computer science. It was set up in the framework of a PhD at the Lausanne University, but goes far beyond this framework and implies the collaboration of several schools, universities and private companies.

Private learning activities (PRILA) are activities which students set up by their own private initiative, where they learn something which can be useful to them in their future scolar or professional carreer.


PRILA are very common, but have never been investigated in a scientific and systematic way. We think that they are an important complement to scolar learning activities, many teachers are aware of this phenomenon, but they get no support in understanding this problem from the resesarch community.

The second objective of this project is to find out ways to stimulate the students to engage in PRILA, and to provide as much help as possible to those who do.

You can download here the PhD project in order to know more about the research project.