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You can find here links to useful stuff for teaching programming and other related topics.

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DIDEL educational, research and hobby robots
Didel has been founded by Prof. Jean-Daniel Nicoud, the inventor of the mouse. This company is specialized in educational robots, among which the Wellbot, currently in development, which will soon be available with a CeeBot tutorial. Didel also developed ultra-light slow flyers and all the necessary components if you decide to build your own one.
Hemisson educational hardware robot system
The educational robot system Hemisson is suitable for teachers, artificial intelligence hobbyists and robot hobbyists. The Hemisson is an autonomous robot with two DC motors and several captors. It is now available with a CeeBot tutorial.
SysQuake by Calerga
SysQuake is innovative, powerful and flexible software for the design and simulation of dynamic systems. What makes it special is its unparalleled interactivity which will boost your productivity. It can be used at middle and high school level to illustrate in a concrete way mathematical and physical concepts. And what is most important: you can get a huge lot for free!
CodeRally by alphaWorks / IBM
After you went through the CeeBot tutorials, you should have a look at CodeRally which is a 2D car race where you can program the cars in Java. It requires basic programming skills and contains no tutorial. It uses the Eclipse platform, which we can anyway recommend to you for further programming activities.
code4u programming ressources
Once you worked your way through all the CeeBot programs, you will need lots of ressources about programming with professional tools. Take a look at, you will find there everything you need.
Technipal ressources and tutorials have got some nice tutorials for beginners, for example take a look at their Java tutorials, which is the language that we recommend you for further programming activities. You will also find there lots of ressources.
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